A Key Factor G-Value In EPR Spectroscopy

The g-value plays a crucial role in EPR (Electron Paramagnetic Resonance) spectroscopy in understanding the electronic structure and magnetic properties of paramagnetic substances. Today, we will talk about the key factor in EPR spectroscopy: the g-value (g-factor).


The g-value is a dimensionless quantity that represents a constant of proportionality between the magnetic field and the energy difference between the energy levels in the system. The g-value can be obtained by measuring the resonance frequency of a paramagnetic substance absorbing electromagnetic radiation in the presence of a magnetic field. It represents the extent to which the electron spin interacts with the external magnetic field. The g value is commonly used to determine important characteristics of paramagnetic substances, such as the number of unpaired electrons and their orbital angular momentum.


For a free electron, the g value is a constant of 2.0023, derived from fundamental physical properties. However, in more complex systems, such as transition metal complexes or organic radicals, the g value can deviate from this standard value. The deviation arises due to various factors, including spin-orbit coupling and hyperfine interactions with nearby nuclei. These interactions introduce additional energy levels and modify the electron's behavior in the magnetic field, leading to different g values.


By analyzing the g value in EPR spectroscopy, scientists can gain insights into the molecular structure and chemical environment of the paramagnetic species under investigation. A change in the g value can reveal the presence of different ligands or coordination environments around a metal ion, providing valuable information about the electronic configuration and coordination chemistry.

g value in epr spectroscopy

In addition, the g-value can be used to study the dynamics of a system. For example, it can provide information about the rate of electron transfer or spin relaxation processes, revealing the kinetics and mechanisms involved in chemical reactions or biological processes.


A common method of measuring the g-value is using EPR spectroscopy on a sample with a known g-value. This reference sample can be a compound with a well-characterized g-value or a spin probe, such as a stable organic radical. By comparing the position and shape of the resonance signals of the reference sample and the sample of interest, the g-value of the unknown species can be calculated.


Another approach involves calculating the g value from the Zeeman effect. The Zeeman effect describes the splitting of energy levels in a magnetic field. By measuring the magnetic field strength required to observe resonance at different frequencies, the g value can be derived using the equation g = hν/μBΔB, where h is Planck's constant, ν is the microwave frequency, μB is the Bohr magneton, and ΔB is the magnetic field difference between the resonance peaks.


In addition, the g value can be determined by analyzing the linewidth of the EPR signal. Since the g value depends on the orientation of the unpaired electrons in the magnetic field, any interaction or fluctuation in the environment will broaden the EPR signal. The g-value can be estimated by measuring the linewidth and analyzing its dependence on the magnetic field strength.


It is worth noting that the g value is not always a fixed constant. In some cases, it may vary due to factors such as electron-electron interactions or electrons leaving the domain. These variations can indicate the chemical or physical properties of the paramagnetic substance.

g value in epr spectroscopy

In summary, the g-value in EPR spectroscopy is an important parameter that helps characterize paramagnetic substances. By determining the g-value, researchers can gain valuable insights into the electronic structure and properties of paramagnetic compounds, contributing to understanding a wide range of scientific disciplines, including chemistry, physics, and biology.


Click here to read more application notes on EPR spectroscopy.

How Does Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Work

Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), also known as electron spin resonance (ESR), is a technique used to study the magnetic properties of materials containing unpaired electrons.


Here is a brief explanation of how electron paramagnetic resonance works:


Unpaired electrons: Many materials, such as transition metal ions or organic radicals, possess unpaired electrons. These unpaired electrons have intrinsic magnetic properties.


External magnetic field: A strong, static magnetic field is applied to the sample being studied. This field aligns the magnetic moments of the unpaired electrons in the sample.


Resonance condition: A microwave source emits electromagnetic radiation with a specific frequency, typically in the microwave range. The frequency is adjusted until it matches the resonance condition, where the energy of the microwave radiation corresponds to the energy difference between electron spin states.


Absorption of energy: When the resonance condition is met, the unpaired electrons can absorb energy from the microwave radiation and transition from one spin state to another. This absorption of energy is detected as a decrease in the intensity of the microwave radiation passing through the sample.


EPR spectrum: By varying the magnetic field strength, the absorption of energy is recorded as a function of the magnetic field. The resulting EPR spectrum shows distinct absorption peaks or lines, providing information about the magnetic properties of the sample, such as the number of unpaired electrons, their spin orientation, and their interaction with the surrounding environment.


Overall, EPR measures the response of unpaired electrons to external static magnetic fields and microwave radiation, allowing scientists to study the electronic structure and magnetic properties of materials. Therefore, EPR technology has a prominent role in many fields such as chemistry, biology, medicine, food and beverage, etc. CIQTEK's self-developed EPR spectrometer supports researchers in many application areas. Click to view the EPR application notes.

EPR application fields

Exploring The World Of Nanoscale Imaging With CIQTEK SEM5000 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope

In today's world of rapidly advancing technology, scientific breakthroughs rely heavily on our ability to visualize and understand materials at the smallest scales. One such tool of considerable importance is the field emission scanning electron microscope (FE SEM), and the CIQTEK SEM5000 stands out for its superior imaging capabilities and versatility. In this blog post, we will delve into the fascinating world of the SEM5000, exploring its features, applications, and countless possibilities.


FE SEM5000 Introductions:

The SEM5000 is a cutting-edge field emission scanning electron microscope that allows scientists and researchers to observe specimens with unprecedented clarity and resolution. Its advanced electron optics and detector systems enable detailed imaging and analysis at nanometer scales, providing insights into the structure, morphology, and composition of diverse materials.


FE SEM5000 Key Features:

a. High-Resolution Imaging: The SEM5000 boasts superior resolution, capturing intricate details of specimens with exceptional clarity. Its electron optics system, combined with advanced detectors, ensures high spatial resolution even at low accelerating voltages.

b. Field Emission Electron Gun: The SEM5000 incorporates a field emission electron gun, producing a finely focused electron beam for precise imaging and analysis. This technology enables enhanced surface sensitivity and imaging capabilities compared to traditional thermionic sources.

c. Versatile Specimen Chamber: The SEM5000 features a flexible specimen chamber that allows for the observation of various sample types, including conductive and non-conductive materials, biological samples, and delicate structures. Its unique three-axis stage provides accurate positioning and imaging options from multiple perspectives.

d. Analytical Capabilities: The SEM5000 is equipped with energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) capabilities, enabling elemental analysis and mapping of the sample's composition. This feature is particularly useful in materials science, geology, and forensics.


FE SEM5000 Applications:

a. Nanomaterials Research: The SEM5000 has proven invaluable in the study of nanomaterials, enabling detailed characterization of nanoparticles, nanotubes, and other nanostructures. Researchers can investigate their morphology, size distribution, and surface properties, paving the way for advancements in materials science and nanotechnology.

b. Life Sciences: In biological research, the SEM5000 provides high-resolution imaging of cell structures, organelles, and tissues, aiding in understanding cell morphology, disease mechanisms, and drug delivery systems.

c. Failure Analysis and Quality Control: Industries such as electronics, automotive, and manufacturing employ SEM5000 to examine material defects, and surface contaminants, and perform quality control checks, ensuring the reliability and safety of their products.

d. Geological and Forensic Sciences: The SEM5000's capability to analyze chemical composition and morphological features is crucial in geological sample analysis, mineral identification, and forensic investigations.


The CIQTEK SEM5000 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope has revolutionized the way we look at and study materials at the nanoscale, driving breakthroughs in a variety of scientific fields such as materials science, life sciences, biology, chemistry, industry, etc. CIQTEK, as a manufacturer and a global supplier of Scanning Electron Microscopes, delivers the SEM5000 with superb quality and the best price to customers all over the world.


CIQTEK field emission scanning electron microscope SEM5000

Analyzing a Complete Diaper Production Line and Its Equipment

choose a suitable diaper making machine

Production Scale

Determining your production scale involves understanding your production requirements, including the quantity of diapers to be produced per day and the demand from your target market. Selecting the appropriate scale of manufacturing equipment is essential to ensure meeting the market demand.

A. Understand the diaper demand in your target market, including potential sales volume and market growth potential. Conduct market research to analyze the consumer demographics, market share of competitors, and sales trends in your target market to determine the market demand.

B. Based on the market demand and sales trends, make sales forecasts. Consider factors such as seasonal demand fluctuations, promotional activities, and product innovation to predict sales volume for different time periods.

C. Evaluate your available resources, including human resources, raw material supply, and production facilities. Consider factors such as the manpower you can allocate, the reliability of raw material supply, and the capacity of your production facilities to determine the limitations on production scale based on resource availability.

D. Consider the relationship between production scale and cost-effectiveness. Generally, larger-scale production can achieve higher economies of scale and cost savings. However, it is essential to balance cost and market demand to ensure that the production scale can meet the market demand and generate profitability.

E. Evaluate your budget and investment capacityto determine the production scale and related costs you can afford. Consider expenses such as equipment purchase or leasing, labor costs, raw material procurement, and marketing expenditures to ensure that the production scale aligns with financial feasibility.

F. Assess potential risks and uncertaintiesand consider their impact on the production scale. Take into account factors such as supply chain risks, market competition, sales fluctuations, and demand changes to develop appropriate risk management strategies.

Baby Diaper Production Line
Automatic Full Servo Baby Diaper Machine


Degree of Automation

The level of automation you wish to achieve in your baby diaper production line. Some manufacturing equipment offers higher levels of automation, reducing manual intervention and increasing production efficiency. Select the appropriate level of automation based on your budget and production requirements.


A. The degree of automation is often related to the production scale. If you have a smaller production scale, highly automated equipment may not be necessary. On the other hand, if you have a larger production scale, highly automated equipment may be more suitable as it can improve production efficiency and reduce labor costs.


B. Equipment with higher levels of automation typically comes at a higher price. You need to assess your budget and determine how much capital you can allocate to equipment purchases. Considering the return on investment and long-term benefits, choose the level of automation that fits within your budget.


C. Equipment with higher levels of automation can reduce the demand for human resources and lower labor costs. If labor costs are high, opting for a higher degree of automation may provide advantages.


D. Equipment with different levels of automation has different technical requirements. Equipment with higher levels of automation may require higher levels of technical knowledge and maintenance to ensure smooth operation and troubleshooting. You need to evaluate your technical capabilities and resources and choose the level of automation that matches them.


E. Diaper manufacturing involves multiple processes and complex production flows. Depending on your product requirements, such as size, shape, absorbency, and other characteristics, choose equipment with the appropriate level of automation. Certain specific processes may require higher levels of automation to ensure product quality and consistency.


Flexibility and Adjustability


Flexibility refers to the ability of equipment to adapt to different product requirements and production needs. A highly flexible diaper manufacturing machine can accommodate the production of diapers with different sizes, shapes, absorbency levels, and other requirements.


This means that you can make adjustments and changes to your product line based on market demands, producing different styles of diapers. Equipment with high flexibility often has adjustable parameters and modular designs, allowing it to adapt to different product configurations.


Adjustability refersto the ability of the equipment to adjust and control the production process. A diaper manufacturing machine with good adjustability can make various parameter adjustments to meet different production needs.


For example, adjusting the thickness of the absorbent layer, the tightness of the elastic waistband, the sealing strength of the side tabs, etc. Equipment with high adjustability can make precise adjustments based on product quality standards and market demands, ensuring the production of diapers that meet the required specifications.


Quality and Stability


A. Choose suppliers with a good reputation and extensive experience. Research the background information of the suppliers, including their expertise and industry reputation in the diaper manufacturing field. Look at customer feedback and reference cases to understand how their machines perform in real-world applications.


B. Gain a detailed understanding of the technical specifications and features of the diaper manufacturing machines. Ensure that the machines comply with relevant quality certification standards, such as ISO certification. These certifications provide some assurance that the supplier follows international standards in the design and manufacturing process.


C. Carefully assess the design and manufacturing quality of the machines. Consider factors such as structural stability, material quality, and manufacturing processes. A sturdy and durable machine is more likely to provide long-term stable performance and reliability.


D. Contact the suppliers and conduct site visits to observe the actual operation of the machines and understand their production efficiency and stability.

Technical Support and After-Sales Service


A. Ensure that you are aware of the channels through which you can communicate with the supplier for technical support, such as phone, email, online chat, or remote connection. Clarify that these channels are convenient and timely so that you can receive support when needed.


B. Inquire whether the supplier offers a training program to help your operators become familiar with and proficient in operating and maintaining the machines. A good supplier should be able to provide training courses and materials to ensure that your team can fully utilize the machine's capabilities.


C. Ask the supplier about their repair and spare parts support. Ensure that the supplier can provide timely repair services and supply high-quality original spare parts. This minimizes the impact of machine failures on production.


D. Carefully read and evaluate the after-sales service contract provided by the supplier. Ensure that the contract clearly specifies technical support, repair services, spare parts supply, and other relevant aspects. Pay attention to clauses regarding warranty periods, service scope, and liability limitations in the contract.




Evaluate the overall cost-effectiveness of the manufacturing machine, including equipment price, operational costs, energy consumption, and maintenance expenses. Take into account the equipment price, production efficiency, and product quality, and choose the most cost-effective manufacturing machine.


Reference Experience and Advice


Seek the opinions and advice of experts in the industry or other diaper manufacturers. Their experience and insights can help you better understand and select the manufacturing machine that suits your business needs.


7 key points to guide you in choosing the right diaper manufacturing machine!

Production Scale

Determining your production scale involves understanding your production requirements, including the quantity of diapers to be produced per day and the demand from your target market. Selecting the appropriate scale of manufacturing equipment is essential to ensure meeting the market demand.

A. Understand the diaper demand in your target market, including potential sales volume and market growth potential. Conduct market research to analyze the consumer demographics, market share of competitors, and sales trends in your target market to determine the market demand.

B. Based on the market demand and sales trends, make sales forecasts. Consider factors such as seasonal demand fluctuations, promotional activities, and product innovation to predict sales volume for different time periods.

C. Evaluate your available resources, including human resources, raw material supply, and production facilities. Consider factors such as the manpower you can allocate, the reliability of raw material supply, and the capacity of your production facilities to determine the limitations on production scale based on resource availability.

D. Consider the relationship between production scale and cost-effectiveness. Generally, larger-scale production can achieve higher economies of scale and cost savings. However, it is essential to balance cost and market demand to ensure that the production scale can meet the market demand and generate profitability.

E. Evaluate your budget and investment capacityto determine the production scale and related costs you can afford. Consider expenses such as equipment purchase or leasing, labor costs, raw material procurement, and marketing expenditures to ensure that the production scale aligns with financial feasibility.

F. Assess potential risks and uncertaintiesand consider their impact on the production scale. Take into account factors such as supply chain risks, market competition, sales fluctuations, and demand changes to develop appropriate risk management strategies.

Baby Diaper Production Line
Automatic Full Servo Baby Diaper Machine


Degree of Automation

The level of automation you wish to achieve in your baby diaper production line. Some manufacturing equipment offers higher levels of automation, reducing manual intervention and increasing production efficiency. Select the appropriate level of automation based on your budget and production requirements.


A. The degree of automation is often related to the production scale. If you have a smaller production scale, highly automated equipment may not be necessary. On the other hand, if you have a larger production scale, highly automated equipment may be more suitable as it can improve production efficiency and reduce labor costs.


B. Equipment with higher levels of automation typically comes at a higher price. You need to assess your budget and determine how much capital you can allocate to equipment purchases. Considering the return on investment and long-term benefits, choose the level of automation that fits within your budget.


C. Equipment with higher levels of automation can reduce the demand for human resources and lower labor costs. If labor costs are high, opting for a higher degree of automation may provide advantages.


D. Equipment with different levels of automation has different technical requirements. Equipment with higher levels of automation may require higher levels of technical knowledge and maintenance to ensure smooth operation and troubleshooting. You need to evaluate your technical capabilities and resources and choose the level of automation that matches them.


E. Diaper manufacturing involves multiple processes and complex production flows. Depending on your product requirements, such as size, shape, absorbency, and other characteristics, choose equipment with the appropriate level of automation. Certain specific processes may require higher levels of automation to ensure product quality and consistency.


Flexibility and Adjustability


Flexibility refers to the ability of equipment to adapt to different product requirements and production needs. A highly flexible diaper manufacturing machine can accommodate the production of diapers with different sizes, shapes, absorbency levels, and other requirements.


This means that you can make adjustments and changes to your product line based on market demands, producing different styles of diapers. Equipment with high flexibility often has adjustable parameters and modular designs, allowing it to adapt to different product configurations.


Adjustability refersto the ability of the equipment to adjust and control the production process. A diaper manufacturing machine with good adjustability can make various parameter adjustments to meet different production needs.


For example, adjusting the thickness of the absorbent layer, the tightness of the elastic waistband, the sealing strength of the side tabs, etc. Equipment with high adjustability can make precise adjustments based on product quality standards and market demands, ensuring the production of diapers that meet the required specifications.


Quality and Stability


A. Choose suppliers with a good reputation and extensive experience. Research the background information of the suppliers, including their expertise and industry reputation in the diaper manufacturing field. Look at customer feedback and reference cases to understand how their machines perform in real-world applications.


B. Gain a detailed understanding of the technical specifications and features of the diaper manufacturing machines. Ensure that the machines comply with relevant quality certification standards, such as ISO certification. These certifications provide some assurance that the supplier follows international standards in the design and manufacturing process.


C. Carefully assess the design and manufacturing quality of the machines. Consider factors such as structural stability, material quality, and manufacturing processes. A sturdy and durable machine is more likely to provide long-term stable performance and reliability.


D. Contact the suppliers and conduct site visits to observe the actual operation of the machines and understand their production efficiency and stability.

Technical Support and After-Sales Service


A. Ensure that you are aware of the channels through which you can communicate with the supplier for technical support, such as phone, email, online chat, or remote connection. Clarify that these channels are convenient and timely so that you can receive support when needed.


B. Inquire whether the supplier offers a training program to help your operators become familiar with and proficient in operating and maintaining the machines. A good supplier should be able to provide training courses and materials to ensure that your team can fully utilize the machine's capabilities.


C. Ask the supplier about their repair and spare parts support. Ensure that the supplier can provide timely repair services and supply high-quality original spare parts. This minimizes the impact of machine failures on production.


D. Carefully read and evaluate the after-sales service contract provided by the supplier. Ensure that the contract clearly specifies technical support, repair services, spare parts supply, and other relevant aspects. Pay attention to clauses regarding warranty periods, service scope, and liability limitations in the contract.




Evaluate the overall cost-effectiveness of the manufacturing machine, including equipment price, operational costs, energy consumption, and maintenance expenses. Take into account the equipment price, production efficiency, and product quality, and choose the most cost-effective manufacturing machine.


Reference Experience and Advice


Seek the opinions and advice of experts in the industry or other diaper manufacturers. Their experience and insights can help you better understand and select the manufacturing machine that suits your business needs.


How to start with a circular knitting machine?

When it comes to knitting, everyone thinks of machine knitting. If you are a hand knitter and want to do more knitting in less time, I am sure you will think of buying a knitting machine.

With a little knowledge of some of the popular home knitting machines and how they work, and your creativity to tweak some of the knitting designs, you can surely bring out the best in your knitting machine and create the knitting project of your choice.

The best type of yarn for a knitting machine is regular DK yarn. 4-ply works best or other lightweight yarns. Avoid chunky yarns as they won’t work with regular knitting machines and may cause problems like getting stuck.

You can get specific books and patterns designed especially for knitting machines but you can also use a hand knitting pattern and convert it to a knitting machine pattern. The most important thing is that just like for hand knitting, before you start a new project always make a test square to work out your tension and adjust the pattern accordingly.

First of all, you’ll need to choose your machine. If you're new to knitting machines, it's best to start with a circular knitting machine to see if you enjoy using it.

The cheapest knitting machines are for children and they cost between £30 and £40. Adults' machines have more needles than children's models. The needles determine the width of what you can knit, so if you're making adult size garments you'll want a model with more needles.

If you are keen to purchase a flat bed knitting machine they vary in price from £500 to machines that cost over £1000. The price typically reflects the materials used, cheaper one may be made from plastic and more expensive ones from metal. Gauge size may vary too so consider what type of knitting you'll be doing, fine knits or thick knits as this will influence which model you buy.

You’ll also need your yarn and a knitting pattern. If you have a circle machine, you can knit a wide range of accessories like hats and gloves – look for patterns that use basic DK yarns for the best result. Visit our official website to purchase products:www.xmleadsfon.com

What is the use of pearl cotton foaming machine?

Pearl cotton foaming machine is one of the most professional extruders for producing high-density insoles. It uses foaming extrusion technology to easily produce insoles of different models. PE pearl cotton is very suitable for insoles. Since the PE pearl cotton foaming machine can quickly produce flat insoles, it can achieve mass production of insoles of different models.

EPE pearl cotton (foam roll) is a new type of environmentally friendly packaging material with a non-cross-linked closed-cell structure. Pearl cotton is made of low-density polyethylene resin through physical foaming to form countless independent bubbles. This material overcomes the shortcomings of traditional foam rubber, which is fragile, easy to deform, and has poor resilience, and has excellent moisture-proof, anti-collision, sound insulation, and heat preservation properties.

PE has the advantages of waterproof and moisture-proof, shockproof, sound insulation, heat preservation, good plasticity, strong toughness, recyclability, environmental protection, strong impact resistance, and good chemical resistance. It is widely used in electronic appliances, instruments and meters, computers, audio, medical equipment, alcohol and gift packaging, etc.

PE pearl cotton is also widely used in elastic linings of handbags and luggage, sound insulation and heat insulation materials for industrial production, agricultural insulation materials, floating equipment for aquaculture, protective pads for sports goods, life-saving equipment for water operations, floor decoration or pads for homes and hotels, etc.

HUIZHOU FULIYUAN MACHINERY CO.,LTD focuses on technological innovation, actively introduces advanced foreign technologies, and continuously develops new products. Contect us to get more information.

What is related to the power consumption of Circular Knitting Machine?

The energy efficiency and power consumption of circular knitting machine can vary based on several factors, including the machine's design, technology, settings, and usage patterns. Here are some considerations related to power consumption:

1. Machine Type: The type of circular knitting machine plays a significant role in energy efficiency. Older, mechanically driven machines may consume more power compared to newer, electronically controlled models.

2. Machine Size: Larger knitting machines, designed for industrial or high-volume production, typically require more power than smaller, compact models used for smaller-scale production.

3. Electronic Controls: Machines equipped with advanced electronic controls are often more energy-efficient. They can optimize motor and component operation for efficient performance.

4. Variable Speeds: Many modern knitting machines offer variable speed control, allowing operators to adjust the knitting speed as needed. Lower speeds can reduce energy consumption when maximum speed is unnecessary.

5. Idle Modes: Some knitting machines have energy-saving features such as automatic shut-off or idle modes, which reduce power consumption when the machine is not actively knitting.

6. Efficient Motors: The type and efficiency of the motors used in the knitting machine can impact energy consumption. Energy-efficient motors can help reduce power usage.

7. LED Lighting: Machines equipped with LED lighting consume less power compared to older machines with incandescent lighting.

8. Maintenance: Regular maintenance and cleaning of the machine's components, especially the needles and feeders, can help maintain optimal performance and energy efficiency.

9. Yarn Tension Control: Precise control of yarn tension can help reduce yarn breakage and improve the machine's overall efficiency.
Programming Optimization: Well-optimized knitting patterns can minimize unnecessary movements and yarn handling, contributing to energy efficiency.

10. Usage Patterns: The actual usage patterns of the jersey circular knitting machine can impact energy consumption. Continuous, high-speed operation may use more power compared to intermittent or lower-speed usage. Environmental Conditions: Temperature and humidity in the knitting environment can affect the machine's performance and energy consumption. Extreme conditions may require additional energy for heating or cooling. It's important to note that energy-efficient practices, such as turning off the machine when not in use, maintaining proper machine settings, and selecting the appropriate machine size for the production volume, can significantly contribute to energy savings.

Exact power consumption figures can vary widely between different models and brands of knitting machines. For detailed information on the energy efficiency and power consumption of a specific knitting machine, it's advisable to consult the manufacturer's specifications and, if necessary, seek advice from us LEADSFON (XIAMEN) TEXTILE TECH CO., LTD..

TUXING TXES012 ODM OEM Single Cylinder 4500psi 300bar PCP Air Compressor

We are a direct manufacturer of PCP air compressors,scuba diving air compresssor and carbon fiber air tanks. We can provide you with OEM and ODM services.

TUXING's TXES012 single-cylinder air compressor sells well in Europe and the United States, and its selling points are as follows:

【Superior heat dissipation function】 This model pcp air compressor‘s cylinder head exclusively developed by the TUXING brand is composed of 10 stainless steel SUS304 inner tubes, which has super heat dissipation function;

【Super fast inflation speed】Scuba compressor has super fast inflation speed, it can fill a 0.5L cylinder to 30Mpa in 5 minutes;

【Dual cooling System】TXES012 has dual cooling function of fan and water circulation, which can make the machine cool down faster after use and prolong the life of the machine;

【Adjustable pressure】You can preset the pressure before starting, when the compressor reaches your preset pressure, it will automatically stop, the maximum preset pressure is 30Mpa;

【WIDE APPLICATION】: A perfect electric air pump for car tires, bike tires, scuba tanks, fire fighting, paintball, air pistols, leakage detecting, pressure-tight tests, automobiles, bicycles, air impermeability tests, pressure-proof tests, etc .



TUXING OEM ODM TXEDM041 Double Cylinder 4500psi 300bar PCP Air Compressor

TXEDM041 double-cylinder miniature model air compressor is a hot seller in Europe and America. Its selling points are as follows:

【Specification】Voltage: 110V, frequency: 60HZ, power: 2.2KW, flow: 50L/MIN, working pressure: 30MPA / 300bar / 4500psi,Suitable for filling bottles with large capacity, it takes about 3 minutes to fill 0.5 liters from 0-300 bar and it takes about 35 minutes to fill 6.8 liters from 0-300 bar

【Two Stage Compression Cylinder】Designed with two-stage compression to ensure stable performance, suitable for car tires, bicycle tires, blown pneumatic PCP air rifles, paintball tanks, air gun equipment or diving / diving cylinders

【Manual shut-off】: sensitive and accurate response, easy-to-understand readings, correct display of the air pressure value of the air compressor, easy to control and adjust the pressure value required for different jobs.

【Excellent water and fan cooling system】 - A battery-powered digital thermometer monitors an independent water cooling system. You need to prepare cooling water in an external bucket. Do not start the machine without preparing cooling water. Before using the compressor, replace the oil breather and top up with oil

【Wide Application】:Perfect for fire fighting, paintball, leakage detecting, pressure-tight test, automobiles, air impermeability test, pressure proof test, etc.